A not very pretty bee, but still a pleasure to see it "working" in the garden.
Ok, this one is pretty! You can't see it very well in the picture but this little guy's back glistens blue in the sunlight!
The one creepy crawler that I do not have a picture of (I refuse to grant it that honor) is also the reason this is my first corn harvest:
I have several ears that are probably ready for harvest, but I am scared to pick them.
I have seen earwigs crawling down inside them!
Now, I have an irrational fear of earwigs. Don't ask me to explain it. Its irrational.
I can handle most spiders and other common insects, but earwigs? Ha!
Most people see this:
I see this:
Ok, maybe not, but you kind of get the picture.
So I have been too scared to pick the corn. The one I picked today was practically falling off the stalk, so I figured I better brave it. So far, I have gotten it home. We'll see if I ever get brave enough to husk it!
Giggling here. Guessing that goes back to Santa Maria days? Not sure what to tell you. Husk it where you have a bowl of water ready for the ferocious critters? What I can see of the corn sure looks good. Go for it! Great grasshopper photo!